In response to submissions to the draft EIS, consultation took place in August 2024 on 2 flight path proposals for night time procedures.

Find out more about the proposals here.

Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport flight path design for single runway operations

The new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport (WSI) is set to open for domestic and international travellers, and freight by late 2026.

Preliminary flight paths for WSI were released in June 2023. The draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the preliminary flight paths, including the draft noise insulation and property acquisition policy, was on public exhibition between 24 October 2023 and 31 January 2024.

Submissions are being reviewed and considered in finalising the EIS. In response to submissions, the department consulted impacted communities on 2 flight path proposals for night time procedures associated with Reciprocal Runway Operations:

  • revised flight paths for jets travelling east from WSI, and
  • a new noise abatement procedure.

Information on the proposals can be found on the Resources page. Community information and feedback sessions for the flight path proposals were held in August 2024. You can also get in touch with the project team by email.

The final EIS is expected to be published in the second half of 2024. The final noise insulation and property acquisition policy is also expected to be announced in the second half of 2024. Following the publication of the final EIS, the flight paths for WSI will undergo detailed design and will be finalised in advance of WSI’s opening, by late 2026.

Prior to the final EIS, you can continue to visit the Aircraft Overflight Noise Tool to see the preliminary flight paths and view the draft EIS to learn more about their impacts.

We encourage you to contact the Community Engagement Team if you have any queries about the preliminary flight paths and the EIS process.